Saturday, January 7, 2012

Single life

For about four months now I have been single for the first time in like four years, holy shit I know! It has taken some getting used to and is still pretty hard but like many other things in life, it'll get easier. Like most people, girls at least(guys minds are weird), when I first became single it was like the end of the world. Oh my how will I live without him... That was such crap! I am a stronger person today because of the break up so therefore it has made a better and more confident person! Who needs a man to live their life? Well I don't NEED a man but I mean having one around doesn't hurt hahah. But anyway to all you newly singles out there, it will get better. I know everyone says that to you but in all honesty it will happen eventually. You will find someone new who will show you everything your old one didn't give you. But in the mean time just live your life and enjoy the people and things in it!